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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well, this may be my last assignment by my English teacher. After this, i am not sure whether i will still continue blogging, probably not, but i hope that you will bear with it for a while as i ensure you that it will be short and sweet, this last assignment.
Well, this topic i selected is paper qualifications. Most students claim that they go to school to acquire knowledge but if one probes deeper, one will realise that knowledge is not what we students want, but paper qualifications. Parents and teachers continue to propagate the importance of paper qualifications. They predict the fire consequences that will befall the student should they leave the school without proper certificates.

To me, paper qualifications open doors to greater and better opportunites.It have been proven that in all developed countries, a college degree is a guarantee towards a better job, a better pay and a better lifestyle. As such, one must take the claims that paper qualifications are not important with a pinch of salt. For example, when employers select candidates for jobs, the only gauge that they can objectively use to assess their candidates is their school results. Anyone or everyone can claims that they are very hardworking and very well-discplined.The only evidence is their school results.
A student who does well consistently in school is most likely disciplined and hardworking. A failure who consistently flunks his exams can be said to be unbothered. As such, employers look favourably to those who have good results as they have a better impression of them. And that they are most likely given a chance or opportunity to prove themselves.
It is not that those who have good results are academically-inclined. The only difference that separates the former and the latter and that the latter has persisted despite the lack of talent. It still boils down to your own work. You can decide your own fate, that’s why parents press us to study hard while we can if not we will regret it sooner or later and when that happens, it will all be too late. So long, but before i go, this is my final advice to you, study hard while you can and don’t procrastinate.

{/4:07 AM}

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another Assignment by our English teacher, today I am going to tell you about my school, but first let me tell you about my definition of a school and my school teachers. A school is an institution of learning. Parents send their children to school to study, acquire knowledge and at the same time, become a better person. The role of the school in shaping a person’s character is all more important when families with both parents working are fast becoming a norm. To many of these school-going children, school is like their second home in many cases, they spend more time at school than at home.

Teachers should model good behaviour. If they do not, it will be hard for them to convince their students to do the same. When one talks about the teachers, a image of a well-behaved and knowledgeable person comes to mind. It is also because of this image that the teaching profession is held in high regard by many people.

Therefore, you can see that school is a very important place for students as it has a direct influence on what kind of person are we going to be. Let me talk about my school and my hectic school life. I am currently studying at Victoria school. Studying in this school has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. For example, in Victoria school we can do things freely and we have the freedom of speech that might not have been possible if girls were present. Every one of us is very straightforward which is a good thing.

The bad things are that there are many incidents of bullying and other stuffs like that because we are in a boy’s school and that boys are rather rough and aggressive. There are also incidents of fights which are hard to control as boys tend to lose their temper easily when agitated. But, nevertheless i still prefer mixed school to boys school because in mixed school you can get a lot of exposure and that when you go jc or poly, there will always be mixed, so in a mixed secondary school you can handle situations that may crop up again better.

I have to admit that Victoria school is a very good school but there are still many ways to improve. For example, the food in the canteen is expensive and some tastes awful. But, nevertheless i like Victoria school for the way it is. Thanks for reading; this is the end of my story for a better school.

{/4:14 AM}

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Well, another assignment by my English teacher .This is my topic, work smart and not work hard. I think that working smart is better than working hard. Plain hard work as an avenue to success is a thing of the past and does not apply to the modern context of today’s society.

In the distant past, the only way to survive was to work very hard. Long ago, people depended on trading physical effort for a livelihood. Farmers have to make sure that they wake up during the wee hours of the day to till the land and they have to keep doing this for the rest of their life.
But much has changed since our forefathers depended on farming for a living. With the IT revolution, the whole of human race has been propelled into the digital age, which has no physical boundaries, and neither does it favour any particular group of people. Where information used to be a scarce resource, the amount of information that is freely available nowadays is simply overwhelming.

With the information overload, it is no longer enough to work hard. On the other hand, employees who only work hard will eventually be sidelined, as they will be deemed to be ineffective in handling the requirements of the new and evolved world. Instead those who work smart will move on with their lives.

Working smart does not mean not working at all. It only means that the worker knows what he should be working at. Instead of doing everything, he will do the things that will benefit the company or organisation. The smart workers will constantly work at applying Pareto’s Law at everything they chose to do. You must be wondering what is Pareto’s Law? It is knowing and doing the 20 percent that will bring about the disproportionate 80 percent of benefits to the company or organisation.

Putting this into the school context, the smart student will not even bother to master the whole text. He knows that only 20 percent of the things he learn will be tested. This allows him to save more time to focus on the subject matter that is really important on hand.
Therefore, working smart is better than working hard.
This is the end .Thanks for reading

{/7:17 AM}

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have a few interests; here I am going to explain to you two of my interests. The first one is reading. The current book that I am reading is Macbeth.I read it not only for literature but also for leisure.
The story goes like this, three witches decided to confront Macbeth from his victorious war. The king decided to confer the title of Cawdor to Macbeth. Macbeth chanced upon the witches who predicted that he would one day become king. He decides to murder Duncan upon his wife’s approval. He then killed the king assisted by his wife and framed the guards by smearing the blood on their daggers. Later, Macduff a nobleman, found the king’s body. The guards are killed with evidence from their daggers that the daggers are smeared with the king’s blood. Macbeth became king and more murders starts to follow .One night. Banquo’s ghost appears to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth conscience seems to torture her and she succumbed to it and committed suicide. Macduff killed Macbeth and becomes king.
Another reason is that Macbeth is the greatest treasure of modern literature. It is a highly complex work of art, and a number of themes and ideas stand out of it. It is an exploration of evil in its different manifestations, and it also studies the nature of kingship, and presents to us the contrasted portraits of good and wicked kings.
In Macbeth, King Duncan is portrayed as a good, old and respected king. On the other hand, Macbeth is portrayed as a bad, cunning and highly ambitious king. In this book, Shakespeare uses a lot of extensive vocabulary, powerful images and intricate meanings. Shakespeare broad use of irony, rhythm and other literary devices in Macbeth makes readers feel awed. I am affected by the powerful and complex characters and are rewarded with profound insights into human nature and behaviour
From this book, I learn that never let greed get the better of you. When Macbeth is not content with what he has, and wants to be king, in the end leading to his death.

Another interest is drawing. I developed this interest when i was a kid and when I was unhappy or sad I would draw something like getting banged by a car. It is a way of expressing my emotional feelings. In the art world, nothing is impossible, you can draw many different scenarios and that drawing can help you transport into another world, a world that you can create. Another reason why i like drawing is that it relaxes your soul; it relieves you of all your worries. My interest never seems to fade away, that’s why I joined AEP to further enhance my art skills.

{/5:14 AM}

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Well, another assignment by my English teacher. The topic selected was food. In this blog, I would tell you all the food that I like and all the food that I don’t like or despise. The first in my list are vegetables, firstly their appearance looks weird and imagine eating them everyday with that hard and disgusting thing going through your throat. Eek! Every parent would want their children to eat vegetables because they think it is very nutritious, that’s why you see them everyday on the dining table. There are many ways of cooking the vegetables and there are also many types of vegetables which make me irritated. No matter what way you cook it, it still tastes the same’ bland!

Now, this dish is my all-time favourite. It is easy to pronounce and that it could be found almost anywhere or in any food courts. It is my favourite chicken rice. Its appearance may be simple but it tastes wonderful. It is just a simple plate of rice with slices of chicken and cucumber but the old and sauce compliments each other very well. The only bad thing about it is that the rice is a bit oily. Everytime when I go out with my friends, the first thing that comes to my mind when we wanted to grab a bite is chicken rice. It is one of the popular choices of food that’s why there is always a chicken rice stall in every food court. At school, I don’t normally eat it because I normally go down and there’s always a long and meandering queues of people waiting

The last are the simple dishes at home such as fishes and pork. You must wondering why i like home cooked food when there is so many fast food shops such as mc Donald’s and burger king? Well, parents always advise us to eat home cooked food for a reason. The food at home is nutritious and it is very easy to prepare. You could also whip up a meal in no time. The main dishes are pork and fishes. The fish, as my mother says is very good for the brain. Pork is very good at fattening me up because my mother thinks that I am too thin. Well, this is the end.

{/5:40 AM}

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello. My name is ian and my ambition is to be an architect.My hobbies are reading , drawing and doing many other different things like playing cards and collecting cards. I don't really like to read but my mother foces me to as she says that reading could help improve my english standard and improve my genreal knowledge. I developed an interest in arts when i was a child.My favourite food is the food i ate at home, they are nothing but simple dishes.I am a very happy-go-lucky guy.I have many friends and is happy with my life now.I have also many enemies which are mostly made out of dirls.Maybe it was my personality that offends them.
I have a warm family which many are envy of.Well, thats almost everything of what i have to say.

{/8:14 PM}